Published Tuesday, November 19, 2013 by with 0 comment

What are the important Factors of Dhanwantari’s caps. Immurich (Cow colostrum)?

There are ninety known components in the Cow colostrum. The most important components of Cap. ImmuRich can be broken down into three major categories:

Immune System Factors, Growth Factors and Nutritional Components.

A--Immune Factors: 1PRP:  

Peptides are short chains of amino-acids — the building blocks of proteins — without the complex tertiary structure of proteins. Proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs), so-called because they contain an unusually high proportion of the amino acid proline, are intercellular signaling molecules that have the unique ability to modulate the immune system,
Turning it up when needed to fight an infection, or turning it down when it is overactive, such as is the case in autoimmune disorders.

                   PRPs have been demonstrated to improve symptomatology of both allergies and autoimmune diseases. PRP inhibits the overproduction of lymphocytes and T-cells and reduces the major symptoms of allergies and autoimmune disease: pain, swelling, and inflammation.

2) Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM, IgD):  

The immunoglobulin fraction in bovine colostrum is composed of approximately 70-80% IgG, 10-15% IgA, 10-15% IgM, while IgE and IgD are found in small amounts.

The function of these immunoglobulin’s (antibodies) is as follows: •IgG — predominant immunoglobulin in bovine milk colostrum; primary function is to identify and help destroy invading pathogenic microbes. •IgA — predominant immunoglobulin in human milk and colostrum; primary role is as first line of defense, protects mucosal surfaces and prevents the attachment of pathogens to them. •IgM — primary role is "first to fight;" enhances phagocytosis by destroying invading pathogens. •IgE — involved with the allergic reaction and histamine-associated allergic reaction; also involved with active defense against enteric parasites. •IgD — attached to B cells; it stimulates lymphocytes to produce antibodies by presenting antigens to them.

To read more about The function of these immunoglobulins (antibodies) Click here.


An anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, iron-binding protein with therapeutic effects in cancer, HIV, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida Albicans and other infections.

Lactoferrin helps deprive bacteria of the iron they require to reproduce and releases iron into the red blood cells enhancing oxygenation of tissues.  Lactoferrin modulates cytokine release and its receptors have been found on most immune cells including lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages and platelets.


Research indicates that lactalbumins can be effective against numerous forms of cancer and viruses.

Colostrum lactalbumin has been found to be able to cause the selective death (apoptosis) of cancer cells, leaving the surrounding non-cancerous tissues unaffected.

Interleukin 1,6 and 10, Interferon Y, and Lymphokines were shown to stimulate the lymph glands and are thought to be effective antiviral immune substance.

                          Interleukins that regulate the duration and intensity of the immune response, are responsible for cell-to-cell communication, boost T-cell activity and the production of immunoglobulins. Interleukin-10 is strongly anti-inflammatory, especially in arthritic joints.

B -- Growth Factors:

The vital growth factors in human colostrum are similar to that cow colostrum They stimulate growth, help in regeneration, and accelerate aged original muscle, bone, cartilage and nerve tissue. Growth factors also stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of body’s muscle tissue in time of fasting and lean built. Growth factors also been used as an effective tropical application for burn, injuries, and skin rejuvenation

Colostrum contains many growth factors, including insulin-likegrowth factor-1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) 

 -These 2 types of growth factors both promote the body and muscle growth. They are present in the cow colostrum and have the similar effect as Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

Epithelial growth factor (EGF)-

The EGF plays an important role in preventing bacterial translocation and stimulating gut immunity.

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-

It is most useful for angiogenesis. Wound healing process. It is useful for embryonic development, mesoderm induction, neural induction and brain development

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-

They are very helpful in healing ulcer.

Transforming growth factors alpha (TGA-α )-

 Transforming growth factors beta ( TGF-β)-Both TGF alpha and TGF beta are helpful in the repair and integrity of epithelium of GIT.

Nerve growth factor (NGF)

Their presence in colostrum is primarily to complete the growth and development of the newborn gut, but in older children and adults they act to repair damage to the gut lining that can result in leaky gut syndrome.
Their main function in the organism is to regulate the growth and development of cells. 

They play a role in wound healing and the repair of broken bones as well as injured tendons and ligaments.
These growth factors facilitate the healing of tissues damaged by ulcers, trauma, burns, surgery, or inflammatory disease.

C --Nutritional Components:

Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Essential Oils
Colostrum is a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are naturally occurring in a perfect combination. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and E are found in small amounts while traces of all other vitamins as well as minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and zinc, are also present in colostrum.

Colostrum is a rich source of both essential and non-essential aminoacids, as well as essential fats, including phospholipids, which enable colostral protein protection and easy absorption in the gut by forming liposomes around them.

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